The 7 Chakras
What Are Chakras?
Chakras are energy centers located vertically from the base of your spine to the top of your head. They are constant within us all and their spiritual significance has been documented back to ancient history.
In Sanskrit, it translates to ‘circle’ or ‘wheel'. These wheels of energy move within us and vibrate at a particular frequency and color. Each one is related to different facets of your life and together they make up the life-force energy you function on.
The First Chakra - Muladhara - The Root Chakra
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. This energy is strongly associated with physical and material needs. Home, wealth, family, as well as physical strength and health, are related to this chakra. When our root chakra is strong, we don’t worry about what we don’t have because we know that all our needs have already been provided for. It is the central, grounded trust in this universe that provides what we need, when we need it. Illuminate the root chakra to find purpose and grounding.
The Second Chakra - Svadhisthana -The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra is located a few inches below your belly button. This energy is strongly associated with carnal desires and appetite. Whether it’s your sexual appetite, your belly hunger, or your appetite for life, it’s important this chakra remains open and balanced. When it’s bright and spinning you feel and look your best! You have the motivation to live life to its fullest and experience all this world has to offer. You do it all with a sense of sureness in who you are from the core outward. Sexuality is nothing more than believing in yourself and knowing you shine in everything you do. Illuminating the sacral chakra will keep you feeling beautiful, energized and complete!
The Third Chakra - Manipura - The Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is located in the center of your body near the belly button. This energy is all about inner strength, personal power and self-confidence. We have inside each of us the power to accomplish anything we set out to do. We must remember this power is ours and not for the taking. When our solar plexus chakra is dull or closed we feel fear. When our solar plexus chakra is open the energy is radiant, infectious and impacts those around you. You have a confidence that is impossible to ignore. Illuminating this chakra is like plugging into your infinite power.The Fourth Chakra - Anahata - The Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is located in the center of your chest. This energy is strongly associated with love, including self-love. When your heart chakra is open, you are able to experience life to its fullest. Love flows freely and you feel at peace with yourself and those around you. When your heart chakra is closed, your ego takes over and negativity ensues.
Ego is the voice which causes selfish or insecure behavior. It is a negativity which can make you feel bad about yourself or treat others badly. It’s what makes one feel like they are right, and others are wrong. Love is the other voice, offering forgiveness, selflessness, kindness, generosity, and empathy.
With every decision we make we choose to listen to our ego or we choose to listen to love. Focus on quieting the ego so you can achieve perfect love, peace and harmony.
The Fifth Chakra - Vishuddha - The Throat Chakra
The throat chakra is located in the center of the neck near the thyroid. This energy is all about communication, self–expression and creativity. Its intention is on our desire to effectively communicate, as well as the need to be clearly understood and accepted. When its closed you can doubt yourself or suppress who you really are. When it is open, bright and spinning you speak effortlessly and honestly. You become your truest self. Tap into the creative light that makes you who you really are with focus and intention on your throat chakra.
The Sixth Chakra - Ajna - The Third Eye Chakra
The third eye chakra is located just above your brow and spreads out through your head to the back of your ears. The third eye is sometimes referred to as the sixth sense. Everyone has a sixth sense, some just don’t know how to use it.
When our third eye chakra is open we have a deeper insight and awareness of everything and everyone around us. We are provided with secret messages from the spirits. We can have dreams that come true.
Illuminating this chakra will enhance your psychic abilities and awareness of all things surrounding you.
The Seventh Chakra - Sahasrara - The Crown Chakra
The crown chakra is located on the top of your head or floating just above it. This energy brings spiritual insight, wisdom, and connection to the higher power. This is the energy that brings all of life together. The “I am” understanding stems from our crown chakra. Our brothers and our sisters are one with us and we are all connected to the spiritual energy that binds this universe together.