Heart Chakra
The heart chakra is located in the center of your chest. This energy is strongly associated with love, including self-love. When your heart chakra is open, you are able to experience life to its fullest. Love flows freely and you feel at peace with yourself and those around you. When your heart chakra is closed, your ego takes over and negativity ensues.
There is a spiritual battle occurring on our planet. Some call it good vs evil or light vs dark. If you look within, you will recognize it as love vs ego. Ego is the voice which causes selfish or insecure behavior. It is a negativity which can make you feel bad about yourself or treat others badly. It’s what makes one feel like they are right, and others are wrong. Love is the other voice, offering forgiveness, selflessness, kindness, generosity, and empathy. Love sees beauty, not imperfection. When love rules, all hurt goes away and we are left with an unconditional feeling of peace, happiness, and joy!
With every decision we make we choose to listen to our ego or we choose to listen to love. Focus on quieting the ego so you can achieve perfect love, peace and harmony.
positive energy chakra candle
Check Out The Next Chakra-> The Throat Chakra